Delivery Information

Free Next Day Delivery Within The UK On All Orders Received Before 1pm.

Delivery To The UK
  • All orders are delivered free within the UK using a carrier of our choice.
  • Orders recieved before 1pm Monday to Friday are despatched for next day delivery, however we cannot guarantee that they will arrive next day.
  • Orders recieved after 1pm or at the weekend / holiday times are despatched the next working day, again for next day delivery.

Delivery To EU Countries

  • All orders are to other EU countries are charged at £35 per item (or the current Euro equivalent) and are sent using a carrier of our choice.
  • Orders to these countries are despatched the next working day after we receive the order.
  • Delivery can normally be expected within 3 days of despatch.

Delivery To Other European (Non EU) Countries

  • All orders are to other European (non-EU) countries are charged at £40 per item and are sent using a carrier of our choice.
  • Orders to these countries are despatched the next working day after we receive the order.
  • Delivery can normally be expected within 3-5 days of despatch.

Tracking Your Delivery

  • You will be notified by email when your kit is despatched, and a tracking number will be supplied to allow you to track the courier delivery.

Problems Or Questions?

  • If you have any questions regarding the delivery of your product please feel free to get in touch.
  • Our team of fully trained sales advisors are more than happy to take your call. Opening hours for telephone calls are 8.30am – 5pm Monday – Thursday and 8.00am – 3.30pm Friday.
  • You can call us on +44 (0)1890 883522 or email

Please ensure that items are not damaged before signing for them from the courier.