Donner & Reuschel Bank Hamburg

Privatbank Donner & Reuschel

Hamburg, Germany

UFO & Unlimited Light were delighted to be chosen by Notholt Lighting Design to supply this stunning ceiling feature which won the Art:Bespoke category at the Darc Awards 2022.
Notholt Lighting Design collaborated with Axthelm Rolvien Architekten for the interior and exterior lighting design of Donner & Reuschel, a private bank situated in a historical building in the heart of Hamburg.
The interior lighting was shaped to reflect classy hanseatic restraint and elegance. Skilfully, the lighting sets accents to underline the visual axes. A bespoke light artwork in the entrance hall completed the overall concept.
The floating light sculpture is inspired by a sickle shape of fibre glass elements with conical brass and white glass end pieces, which embraces the inviting lounge area in the entrance hall. Walking down the pavement alongside the historical building, a delightful view of the light installation opens up through the window. From inside, the surrounding architecture allows a sweeping view of the scenery, from the lounge area the visitor can peer straight up through the swarm of light.
The light sculpture is pending from 0.12 m below the ceiling to 1.70 m above floor level resulting in a total height of 3.66 m. The room’s height measures 5.48 m. The sculpture is anchored to the ceiling with 12 eyebolts. It consists of a four-part metal canopy with a diameter of 4,2 meters on which the 720 fibre glass elements are suspended at 13 different drop heights. Four UFO Quasar LED light sources positioned on top of the canopy, each with a bespoke colour wheel, enable the lighting moods to be changed throughout the day. Sitting down in one of the comfortable lounge chairs, the visitor is magically enfolded in the installation’s swaying threads.
The project presented interesting design and electrical challenges. Several attempts were required to create the right spaces and heights between the multitude of individual fibre optic cables and finding an elegant way of attaching the conical brass end pieces. In addition, the right projectors and optical fibres had to be selected to ensure that everything lines up perfectly. Finally, the lighting sculpture floats softly and elegantly in space, creating a warm, inviting atmosphere and casts you under its magical spell.
Lighting Design by and images courtesy of Notholt Lighting Design.